We have been married for almost 11 months now. see the ticker above =) i'm soooo thankful for having him by my side. definitely hes the other half of me... Alhamdulillah.. sy x banyak crite psal dia kt blog ni. so sempena anniversary kami yg x lama lagi ni.. sy nk story skit psal en suami terchenta. mana la tau anniversary nnt celebrate kt spital sbb bersalin. hehehe...
How old is he? 28 by end of dis August!How long did you date? May 2009 and engaged Mac 2010. x cukup setahun..hehe
Who eats more? Dia la. Dan yg selalu tolong perabih my food
Who said “I love you” first?. Dia =)
Who is taller? Dia. Tapi saya tak la kecik sangat kalu bdiri sebelah dia..hehehe... yeke?
Who sings better? Dia kut. Coz saye mmg x pandai nyanyi.
Who is smarter? Sbenarnya kami agak kontra in thinking. so masing2 excell in different fields. seimbang ;)
Whose temper is worse? Dia kut.. coz i'm such a cool lady.thehehe =)
Who does the laundry? Saye. tapi dia rajin juga menolong bila saya sibuk di dapur. tanpa disuruh pulak tu =)
Who does the dishes? Saya tapi banyak kali dia offer nak buat. bila letih sangat i let him do =)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dia..
Who cooks dinner? Saye!!!! dia penah masak sekali je lunch masa memula kawen..hehe
Who cooks better? Mesti la sayeeee!!! hehehe...
Who drives when you are together? Dia.. jarang sangat saye drive.
Who is more stubborn? Saye kut. Dia selalu sebut gitu..huhuhu
Who kissed who first? Dia la..hahahaha.. ;p
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Sama2 tapi banyak dia dulu kut.. hehe.. saye kan degil ;p
Whose parents do you see the most? Sama je rasanya. rumah parents dua-dua pun dekat je..
Who proposed? Dia ;)
Who is more sensitive? Saye!! Dia cakap gtu..hehe
Who has more friends? Ntah le.. nak kate saye lebih rmai kawan sbb dia keje offshore xleh gak coz dia ramai kwn2 kt kampung.. sama kut
Who has more siblings? Saye! ;)
Who wears the pants in the family? Meaning? Who makes all the decisions? Bab masak saye, kalu gi kdai makan pun saye, pilih barang dia, shopping dia, keputusan besar2 dia lebih rasional berbanding saye...hehehe..
Itula serba sedikit perangai kami berdua. hampir setahun kawin ni makin kenal perangai masing2. tapi saya memang bertuah dpt kenal encek suami. setiap org ada kekurangan tapi bagi saya sudah cukup apa yg saya cari selama ni dari seorg lelaki dgn memiliki dia sbg suami. semoga perkahwinan kami diberkati dan kekal dalam rahmat dan perlindungan-Nya sehingga ke akhir hayat kami berdua. InsyaAllah..