Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Well, its not that recent.. but it was taken in dec 2010
saye yg snyum iklan colgate tu ye =)
15 interesting facts about me..
01- Simple minded in almost evrything. simplicity is a gud way of living right? hehe
02- Looves orchestra! & instrumental juge.. sy suka lagu2 yg easy listen..
03- Interested in Japanese culture.. n korean too!
04- Quite forgetful in certain things.. hehehe yg ni xleh detail
05- Bila sy fokus kt satu2 prkara, sy boleh jadi imun terhdap unsur2 di sekeliling.. usually time baca buku/ tgk tv
06- Sy suka memasak utk org, tp kurang selera dgn masakan sndiri..
07- Byk baju kurung sy ade unsur2 warna purple. bkn sngaja pilih tp baru je tersedar rupanya suka wrna tu..
08- Book lover dan berangan memiliki personal library sendiri
09- Susah nk pilih perfume yg match ngan hidung saye.. tats y i just stick to certain brands only
10- Cita2 pertama masa kecik2 ialah fashion designer. hahaha..x sesuai lnsung dgn personality skrg!
11- Sy suka tgk spongebob squarepants!
12- Sentiasa merindui kenangan di universiti. byk sgt prkara ttg khidupan yg dipelajari =)
13- Sy suka lauk chinese style or yg x pakai santan/ spices sgt
14- Deria rasa sy sedikit strong dr normal people kot.. bila sy rasa manis or masin sikit, org kata dah okay!
15- Sy dan en suami bukan kategori jatuh cinta pandang pertama ;)
So, happy knowing me dear friends! ;)
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