Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 parts

part 1
Terfikir sesuatu yg menjengkelkan.. buat aku diam dan cuba bersabar. that is juz a small matter! so why spinning my head?!!?? STOP and juz do what is beneficial to u!

part 2
People say strangers can be so understanding sometimes.. they tend to be a very good listener. i think i hav to admit that.

i found few strangers via facebook not so long ago n yes, they are so open n sensitive. we can share good memories, opinions.. nice chat also. meeting new people sure will broaden our mind after all, so we can view that from the positive side...

part 3
suddenly i'm craving for sundae! haaihh... will ask him for a treat when hes back frm kl! yeay! :D

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a vow

Too many unexpected things today...

Rasanya perlu lebih kesyukuran dgn apa yg dimiliki hari ini..
Perlu lebih kelembutan untuk menerima apa pun yg bakal terjadi...
Perlu lebih keyakinan utk menghadapi segala kemungkinan yg menanti...

i knew everything will not going to b the same if we didnt meet in the first place. so i might say i'm blessed with that last 'separation'. with that heartbreak, i learned to open my heart for someone else - which i never taught will seal my heart... once again. its a beautiful thing - mending a broken heart, little by little.. and found a courage thru someone else. life is juz a mistery...

People came n leave something to b remembered.. but without sharing, it'll be forgotten. without reminiscing, a lessons cant be learned... a story will never have the perfect ending...

To find someone who can share our ugliest side is a blessed from Him. to have his fragile & soft heart despite his 'harsh' or i might say his 'straight' words ;p, i am more than grateful. he's special in so many way.. Alhamdulillah..

i might hurt a person n never realised that forever... who knows rite? i hope if theres any, i'm forgiven..

today, i made a vow to myself - i'll try my best not to hurt my beloved ones.. i'll be more considerate and understanding.. giving more love and smile.. in this hectic time, its hard but i'll try my best.. please pray for me. thank you ;)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


i cant figure out whats the real reason...
i miss him so much... (-_-)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bahagia & redha

Menafsir rasa bahagia & membenarkan hati untuk redha atas dugaan yg menimpa.. adalah antara 2 perkara yg sukar untuk diterjemahkan...

Pelbagai masalah muncul.. tetaplah hati tidak tenang walau aku bukan punca, kerana ada juga sedikit kaitannya.. mencuba sedaya untuk mencari jalan terbaik agar tidak ada hati yang luka, tetapi sebagai manusia biasa, kesilapan ada di mana-mana..

Berbahagialah hati dgn kurnia dan rahmat Allah yg diterima.. bersyukurlah walau dengan perkara yg sekecil-kecilnya. dari anugerah sepasang mata, suara, telinga untuk mendengar.. sehingga ke anugerah satu nyawa utk meneruskan kehidupan di muka bumi ini. Maka dgn anugerah yg tidak terhitung yg kita terima ini.. berbahagialah. Kerana itu juga andai hidup diuji dgn masalah, ujian dan musibah.. pujuklah hati untuk redha. kerana setiap kesusahan itu pasti akan disusuli pula dengan kebaikan... itu janji Allah sebagaimana firmannya dalam Surah Al- Insyirah, ayat 5-6:

"Kerana sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.
Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

alone again...

Now i'm alone... again.. but things will be clearer for us. Really appreciate what he had done.

For the past few days, i'm in doubts, miserable and confused.. but at the end of d day.. i realised - he's the one, who can lead me to be a better 'me'.

And now i'm so thankful - Alhamdulillah.. so blessed with him by my side...